2008-04-08 15:37:47 UTC
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Come to the
28th IAJGS International Conference
on Jewish Genealogy
Chicago August 17-22, 2008 www.chicago2008.org
DEar Genners,
My g.g.g. grandmother's name was Ettel. She was born in Galizia.
Does somebody know what kind of given name it is, German or Yiddish or
perhaps a shsortened form of Esther? How should it be written in Hebrew,
alef-tav-kamed or alef-tet-lamed?
Thanks for any help
Sulamith Beith Yannai
Sender: <***@012.net.il>
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Come to the
28th IAJGS International Conference
on Jewish Genealogy
Chicago August 17-22, 2008 www.chicago2008.org
DEar Genners,
My g.g.g. grandmother's name was Ettel. She was born in Galizia.
Does somebody know what kind of given name it is, German or Yiddish or
perhaps a shsortened form of Esther? How should it be written in Hebrew,
alef-tav-kamed or alef-tet-lamed?
Thanks for any help
Sulamith Beith Yannai
Sender: <***@012.net.il>
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Join our mailing list at http://lyris.jewishgen.org/listmanager if you
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