JRI-Poland Adds Galician Record Indices to the Online Database
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Mark Halpern
2019-07-21 00:55:12 UTC
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Hello Fellow Galitzianers:

First for researchers interested in Hussakow, a town near Mosciska and
Przemysl, I would like to announce records now available where
previously there were no surviving vital records. Thanks to a good
friend of JRI-Poland, an unlabeled birth register with 1857-1876 births
was found in the Przemysl Archive. Our friend took digital photos of the
records and, with the help of our friends at the AGAD Archive, we were
able to identify these as Hussakow birth records. These are the first
and only Jewish vital records available for Hussakow.

Thanks to the efforts of many volunteers and supporters, JRI-Poland
recently added record indices for seventeen towns in Galicia to our
online database at http://www.jri-poland.org/jriplweb.htm . All of the
following records are found at the AGAD Archive in Warsaw, Fond 300.

-- Borszczow 1911-1928, 1934 deaths

-- Boryslaw 1916-1936 deaths

-- Brzezany 1905-1912 births, 1907-1914 marriages, 1905-1909 deaths.
Also, the 1914-1929 marriage and 1910-1922 death records are available
for indexing. Please help by donating to the AGAD-Brzezany indexing
project so that we can soon announce those record indices are also

-- Buczacz 1929-1937 marriages. The Jewish vital records from before
World War I were destroyed during the War. These civil marriage record
indices include some recreated at the request of the people, their
families, or the courts. Marriages from 1929 through 1937 were
registered contemporaneously.

-- Bursztyn 1904-1912 births, 1900-1908 marriages, 1897-1907 deaths.
Also, the 1908-1924 marriage and 1908-1925 death records are available
for indexing. Please help by donating to the AGAD-Bursztyn indexing
project so that we can soon announce those record indices are also

-- Grzymalow 1905,1910,1911 and 1919-1936 deaths. These are the first
Grzymalow vital records that have been added to the JRI-Poland online

-- Horodenka 1905-1930 marriages, 1906-1919 deaths

-- Janow Trembowelski (Dolyna) 1877-1918 deaths

-- Kamionka Strumilowa 1904-1912 births, 1910-1915 marriages, 1902-1907
deaths. Also, the 1915-1928 marriage and 1908-1922 death records are
available for indexing. Please help by donating to the AGAD-Kamionka
indexing project so that we can soon announce those record indices are
also online.

-- Komarno 1881/1914 Supplemental births, 1912-1924 marriages, 1915-1932
deaths. The supplemental births are a register that contains only
delayed registrations that originally occurred in 1881 through 1914.

-- Kopyczynce 1915-1933 deaths

-- Olesko 1877-1914 deaths

-- Podkamien 1900-1914 births

-- Sasow 1921-1933 deaths

-- Skala 1902-1915, 1918-1921 marriages

-- Sokal 1917 births, 1937 marriages, 1937 deaths

-- Zolkiew 1912-1916 births, 1916-1937 marriages

With the addition of these 25,000 record indices, there are now over one
million record indices included in the JRI-Poland online database for
towns in Eastern Galicia. This covers over 100 towns now in Ukraine.

As many of you know, JRI-Poland has been linking our index entries to
the images of records that are placed online by the AGAD Archive. AGAD
has placed images online for all record registers with
Signature/Sygnatura through 4101. These image will cover birth records
up through 1917 and marriage/death records up through 1937. The AGAD
Inventory by Sygnatura can be found at

For Sygnatura with images that have been indexed by JRI-Poland, the
search results table will show a link in the far left column. If the
link reads "View Image," the link will take you directly to the page
containing that record. Linking directly to the record requires
volunteers who input the image-link to the file containing the index
entries. This team of volunteers is led by Howard Fink. We thank them
for their efforts.

If the link reads "View Nearby Image," the direct linking input has not
yet been completed. However, JRI-Poland Database Manager Michael Tobias
has developed a mechanism to estimate the page where the record can be
found. In most cases, the link to the record will require the researcher
to move forward or backwards up to four pages to find the right record
number (AKTA). We thank Michael for his efforts.

I also want to thank Hadassah Lipsius, Jan Gronski, Max Wald, Stanley
Diamond, and the indexing team in Warsaw for their work and support.

Our indexing has now entered into the years of World War I and we are
seeing the impacts of the War on the vital record registrations in some

If you have any questions about these towns or the status of indexing
for any towns formerly in Galicia and now in Ukraine, please contact me
at ***@halpern.com.

Please remember, Galicia researchers should also be searching Gesher
Galicia's All Galicia Database http://search.geshergalicia.org/. These
two databases have very little overlap.

Please join us at the Cleveland Conference starting July 28. JRI-Poland
will be a major presence at the Conference. Our expert volunteers will
be available to help guide your research. Monday July 29 is the day when
JRI-Poland's Executive Director will tell us "What's New," I will make a
presentation about these Galician vital records, and the JRI-Poland
luncheon will take place.
I hope to see you in Cleveland. If you cannot make it to Cleveland, we
can meet in cyberspace.

Mark Halpern
JRI-Poland AGAD Archive Coordinator
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Bonnie Birns
2019-07-21 21:39:25 UTC
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I want to send a tremendous thank you to Mark Halpern and JRI-Poland for their
latest records update.

My grandfather, Sidney (Shmuel) Bernstein was born in Podkamien, Galicia. As
his parents were first cousins, this whole branch of my family is from this
town. For the last 20 years, I have been told that there were no records that
exist from this town.

Thanks to the latest update, I have finally seen a record that proves that the
BERNSTEINs and BARERs were from Podkamien. I can't tell you how emotional I
got, to finally have some real proof that Podkamien is my ancestral homeland.

I can't wait to get to Cleveland and learn more!

Thank you so much,
Bonnie Burnston Birns
President, JGSLI
Long Island, NY
Researcher #59766

TANNENHOLZ - Poland; SIEGEL -Krazai and Karklanai, Lith; SHNIPER Gorodok, Belarus;
MELLER - Satoraljaujhely, Hungary
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